Examining Popular Birth Control Methods and Their Complications

In the world of family planning, the availability of diverse birth control methods empowers individuals to make choices aligning with their lifestyles. However, it’s crucial to be informed about potential complications associated with these methods. 

In this article, we will dive into some widely used birth control options and explore the specifics of their potential side effects and complications.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, commonly known as birth control pills, are a prevalent method of birth control. According to the CDC, 14% of women prefer this method of contraception. While effective, they may pose risks like blood clots, weight gain, and mood swings due to hormonal changes. 


Women should be vigilant about their health and report any unusual symptoms to their healthcare provider. Additionally, choosing a pill with the right hormone balance often requires experimentation, as individual responses can vary.

Barrier Protection and Allergies

Condoms are a popular choice for preventing both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. However, some individuals may experience latex allergies, prompting the need for alternative materials. 

Polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms provide effective alternatives for those with latex sensitivities. It’s essential to store condoms properly, avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures, as this can compromise their integrity. According to Lifestyles US, condoms should never be kept in temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Contraceptive Injections

The contraceptive injection, Depo-Provera, provides a long-term solution. However, its hormonal influence may lead to issues such as irregular menstrual cycles and bone density loss. 

Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional are crucial to monitor potential side effects and adjust the treatment plan if necessary. Weight-bearing exercises can help mitigate bone density loss associated with long-term Depo-Provera use.

Sterilization as a Permanent Decision

Tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men offer permanent birth control. According to WebMD, around 700,000 women are sterilized annually in the U.S. However, these irreversible procedures may have psychological and emotional implications. 

Counseling is essential for individuals undergoing sterilization to ensure they fully understand the permanence of the decision and its potential impact on their lives. Open communication with a healthcare provider can help address any concerns that may arise after the procedure.

Subdermal Solutions

Subdermal contraceptive implants offer long-lasting protection, but complications like infection at the implant site or unpredictable bleeding can arise. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare provider are necessary to monitor for any adverse reactions and to address concerns promptly. 

It’s advisable for individuals with subdermal implants to educate themselves about potential side effects. This promotes a proactive approach to their reproductive health.

Intrauterine Devices

IUDs, both hormonal and non-hormonal, provide effective contraception. However, concerns like perforation, expulsion, and pelvic inflammatory disease warrant careful consideration. Women opting for an IUD should be aware of these potential complications and undergo regular check-ups to ensure the device’s proper placement and function. 

The Paragard IUD, marketed as a contraceptive option that can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years, has faced significant legal scrutiny. 

Reports suggest that during removal, the plastic arms at the base of the device may not flex as intended, resulting in breakage. This breakage can lead to sharp plastic pieces becoming lodged inside the uterus, causing complications ranging from inflammation to the necessity of surgical removal.

Women who have experienced issues with the removal of the Paragard IUD have taken legal action. Many affected individuals have come forward to file a Paragard lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals, the original manufacturer, and CooperSurgical, which acquired Paragard in 2017. 

According to TorHoerman Law, these lawsuits argue product liability based on alleged design defects, failure to adequately warn, and medical negligence.

As of November 2023, there are over 2,000 pending cases in the MDL, with the first bellwether trial scheduled for October 28, 2024. The outcomes of these trials will likely influence the settlements for affected individuals and provide insights into the resolution timeline of the Paragard lawsuits.

Fertility Awareness and its Challenges

Fertility awareness methods involve tracking menstrual cycles and ovulation. While non-invasive, their efficacy relies heavily on consistent monitoring, and errors may result in unplanned pregnancies. Education and commitment are key to successfully utilizing natural methods. 

Individuals should be aware of their limitations and consider alternative options if the risk of unintended pregnancy is a concern. Couples exploring fertility awareness should also be prepared for potential changes in libido, recognizing that hormonal fluctuations can impact behavior.

In conclusion, the world of birth control offers a spectrum of choices, each with its benefits and potential complications. From hormonal methods to permanent solutions and natural approaches, individuals must navigate wisely. 

The ongoing legal issues with the Paragard IUD underscore the importance of transparent information and accountability in contraceptive options. Whether opting for temporary measures or permanent decisions, thorough understanding and communication with healthcare providers is crucial.

The diversity of choices empowers individuals but informed decision-making, regular monitoring, and proactive health management are essential for successful and safe family planning.